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Today's Theorem   on Tuesday 15 October, 2024

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Welcome to a gallery whose exhibits are the crowning achievements of mathematics: her theorems.

The first 20 terms of the Fibonacci sequence

Each day offers a different theorem (or lemma, law, formula or identity), each one worthy of adorning the walls of a mathematical Abattoirs, Baltic, Duniya, Guggenheim, Louvre, Mind's Eye, Staatliche Museen, Tate, Uffizi or Zach Feuer.

Each theorem has been presented so as to be appreciated by as wide an audience as possible. If the statement of the theorem appears obscure, pass on to the illustration and its accompanying explanation. If it still seems hard it is probably because it is hard. But no more than O'Keeffe's Blue and Green Music, say, is a 'hard' painting or Hepworth's Two Figures is a 'hard' sculpture. It is there for you to engage with on your own terms.

By 'engage' I mean: admire it, turn it over in your mind, try to follow the example, if one is given; if you are studying it on-line, follow the web link, which will provide a pictorial interpretation, a proof or perhaps a clever animation.

Click on the 'further reading' link. It will take you to the appropriate bibliography entry, often accompanied by links to insightful reviews of the recommended book. A link to the page for the book provides full bibliographical details and often, a preview of its contents.

Each theorem is as self-contained as possible; when viewing a theorem on-line, the Notes icon button, top-right, links to supplementary notes. The Glossary icon links to a Glossary page where there is a brief explanation of some parts of mathematical language; At the bottom of the page, the Theorem List Icon button will take you to the theorem's entry in the complete theorem list, where you may find additional versions: printable poster, additional languages, non-colour-sensitive, etc. The Back arrow icon arrow will take you to a related but usually less sophisticated theorem which may shed light on today's; and the Forward arrow icon arrow may point to a theorem which leads on from today's or takes you deeper into its subject. For some theorems are deeper than others; some use more technical language than others; some are just harder to understand than others.

Some days are harder than others. I hope even the most difficult days offer something of wonder.

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Theorem of the Day is maintained by Robin Whitty. Comments or suggestions are welcomed by me.
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